Michael Miller is a licensed realtor with Willamette Properties Group in Eugene, Oregon. He is the founder of Eugenethings, a high-level cooperative aimed at creating the best team of real estate industry professionals in the area. Michael has been in the real estate business for several years and has helped many clients find their dream homes in Eugene and the surrounding areas.

With a passion for real estate, Michael has honed his skills in marketing, negotiations, and customer service. He is committed to providing his clients with the highest level of service and professionalism, always putting their needs first. His knowledge of the local market and his expertise in real estate transactions make him a valuable asset to anyone looking to buy or sell a home in the Eugene area.

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CONTACT Michael Miller

Contact Michael Miller

Hours of Operation:

Monday - 9AM - 5PM

Tuesday - 9AM - 5PM

Wednesday - 9AM - 5PM

Thursday - 9AM - 5PM

Friday - 9AM - 5PM

Saturday - 9AM - 5PM

Sunday - Closed

Name: Michael Miller

Address: 93244 Hwy 99 S. Junction City, Or.

Phone:  (541) 262-5963

Email:  michaelmiller@eugenethings.com